Monday, December 21, 2015

Stuff n Thangs#4

I'm going on a bit of break for christmas, there may be some artwork or stories if I get around to it. Production on the February Comics will resume in January so they could be released on time.

So enjoy yourselfs this Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate, I'm not picky. And enjoy the rest of 2015, I will since I just bought a PLAYSTATION 4 BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

February Comics

Here are the comics being released in February, since I'm taking the next two months off.

But Dog's pub will be released every three days till Feb so don't fret as they say

Now the comics are.....

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stuff and Thangs#3

December comics are being finalized, just have to finish up The Rebel#22 and we're all good. Now since I got a job, some comics are going to get prioritized, which means that Spaced Out will continue after I finish Unknown Soldier, which only have two issues left till the end of the storyline.

The monthly comics are now The Rebel, The Man on Fire and Runaway Girl.
Spaced Out and Unknown Soldier will be mini series, with one storyline each, which means once Unknown Soldier finish, I finish the Spaced Out storyline, then either back to Unknown Soldier or I release a new Comic Series.
Dog's Pub continues every Saturday

Now the Upcoming comics are.....

Friday, October 9, 2015

Stuff and Thangs#2

Spaced Out will be delayed until November, since I'm busy with personal stuff that will take up till the end of October, meaning that if I get the job, then there will be a few changes, if not then no worries!

The October Comics will be released as normal, as for the November comics, they might be a little delayed, it depends.

The upcoming comics are:

Spaced Out #2.7

Monday, September 14, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Stuff and Thangs #1

Announcements and upcoming comics

Ok, next week is a one week break for Spaced Out, since Issue1 just finished, so I'll upload the entire Issue on Monday, AUSTRALIAN Monday, means Sunday for the other side of the world. So there is no confusions.

As for me,

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Change me mind

I change my mind, comics stay on the blog since wordpress SUCKS!!!!!!

Anyway New Issues coming up, here are the cover arts for upcoming comics:

Monday, July 27, 2015

Movin on up!

I have a new website, well sorta as I just created it. Here is the link to the website

Here I will release comics every month, first I gotta re-upload past comics to it so everyone could stay up to date. Also I have started on two new comics, don't know when it will be done but I started on:

Unknown Soldier: The Black Cadillac part 1

The Man On Fire Issue1

Thats my workload, until I find a job then I have to proitised, But The Rebel will be out next month, enjoy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

And here we are again

I'm back bitches!

and I have new ways to mess and screw with people in comics so get ready as a new issue of The Rebel will be out every month!

[Wait for applause]

Also a new Dog's Pub every week, so I'll just start there and see where I can go.

New Year, New Rules