Thursday, November 19, 2015

February Comics

Here are the comics being released in February, since I'm taking the next two months off.

But Dog's pub will be released every three days till Feb so don't fret as they say

Now the comics are.....

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stuff and Thangs#3

December comics are being finalized, just have to finish up The Rebel#22 and we're all good. Now since I got a job, some comics are going to get prioritized, which means that Spaced Out will continue after I finish Unknown Soldier, which only have two issues left till the end of the storyline.

The monthly comics are now The Rebel, The Man on Fire and Runaway Girl.
Spaced Out and Unknown Soldier will be mini series, with one storyline each, which means once Unknown Soldier finish, I finish the Spaced Out storyline, then either back to Unknown Soldier or I release a new Comic Series.
Dog's Pub continues every Saturday

Now the Upcoming comics are.....